A review by rainelle_barrett
My Champion by Glynnis Campbell


My Champion, by Glynnis Campbell is a story that is well written. The talent that exploded in this book from the writer clearly showed in this romance story. The writer was able to keep the readers attention from beginning to end. The drama was intense as well as the action that played out. The action scenes are very detailed for the reader.
The writer was able to share a vision with the readers that could pull them in the book. The drama. Suspicions. Mystery. Suspense and tragic situations, will leave the reader yelling at the characters to kick their tale into gear, and get down to business.
The writing flowed like a lazy river from one scene to the next. This kept the reader hanging on to each line page after page. At each chapter the end gave the reader more to savor before the next big dilemma smacks them in the face. You will enjoy the commentary between the many characters. Their whit and charm will have you chuckling as you get familiar with their part in the story.
The lead characters, Duncan and Linet are two very special and unique people. Linet more so than Duncan. Duncan and his smooth ways landed himself as a protector to Linet. Linet and her naive stubborn ways, tells Duncan on many occasions that she doesn’t need his help. Well why would she do a thing like that you ask?
Family and people, believing that they are high and mighty foolishly raised her in a bubbled world. Duncan would and did not stand for that. Instantly danger ensues. Linet finds herself in a middle of a war. She is totally oblivious to the notion, that she caused this situation.
Duncan takes Linet on a crazy, action packed journey, to flee the danger that stays attached to their tales. In time Duncan realizes that he is falling for Linet as her veneer slowly chips away. But then someone does things that tramples on ones trust, leaving them distraught and unable to feel anything. Linet finds herself falling for Duncan, but she tries everything to avoid him because he’s a commoner. Nothing but a beggar. Oh how the high and mighty is so blind that they cant see the truth that stands there in front of them. My fellow readers, I recommend this book with two snaps and Margret! Bring me my sword. I have business to take care of. Until next time my fellow readers... read on!
I voluntary reviewed this ARC after receiving a free gifted copy. Rated R- for sensual passages.