A review by judeinthestars
Sunsets and Shades by Erica Lee


I didn’t expect to enjoy this book as much as I did. I mean, it looked fun and sweet, and it’s all that, but I was also caught by surprise at how well-written it is.

Kinsley Scott doesn’t believe in love, which doesn’t stop her from being a successful romance author under the name Laurel Lake. Grace Harper is a fan, and also happens to be Kinsley’s roommate Leah’s childhood best friend. When her cheating girlfriend breaks her heart, Grace, needing a change of scenery, accepts Leah’s invitation to spend a few days (or more) at her place in Philadelphia. She soon finds out her idol isn’t all she seems to be on social media and in her writing. Kinsley and Grace are polar opposite. So of course they fall in love, without realizing it.

There are a few irritating moments, so much miscommunication I wanted to shake Grace and Kinsley (mostly Kinsley) at times. But there are a lot more very funny and / or very sexy scenes. Some are absolutely delightful, with memorable lines…