A review by segza
The Mountain Story by Lori Lansens


2019 is the year I finish books on my “on-hold” shelf.

I started this over a year ago and have kept re-borrowing it from the lib while it sat unread throughout the intervening period. I think I knew how much it would stay with me and wrench my guts so was waiting for the right time to fully dive in. That time is the magical first week of January when I’m off work and I have no plans other than read read read.

This story of overcoming loss of loved ones while developing new bonds and seeing broken bonds being mended, all while 4 hikers try to survive being lost on a treacherous mountain for five days without any supplies is a page turner and emotional roller coaster. It deftly written and as a result will stay with me for a long time (and give me nightmares as I train to hike Kilimanjaro later this year!!!)