A review by notwithoutmybook
Moojag and the Auticode Secret by N.E. McMorran


This is by far one of the most unique and imaginative books I've read in a long time, massive Alice in Wonderland vibes with a sprinkling of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I absolutely loved it. It's great to read a book with authentic autistic characters, as opposed the same tired old stereotypes usually found in fiction. The understated humour in this book is fantastic, the author really is so skilled at writing nuanced, diverse characters and the sci-fi element to the story is so vivid and creative. Moojag and the Auticode Secret may well be a children's book, but I can see this story becoming a cult hit with adults.

Set in a post apocalyptic Britain; the Surrey Isles aka the Real World, in the year 2054, where neurodivergents live in harmony with nature. Here we are introduced to the three main characters, Nema, Izzy and Adam, who upon meeting a strange and mysterious character named Moojag, find themselves thrust ("thrust!" - Izzy) into the sinister, sticky-sugary, Wonka-esque underground world ruled by the 'Conquips' - evil villains holding autistic and disabled teens prisoner, conditioning them to believe they're not good enough, that they're less than whilst using them; their intelligence and skills to overthrow and destroy the peaceful and egalitarian Real World. Can Nema and her friends reverse the Auticode to find the truth about her missing brother and free the missing children without becoming trapped forever in the creepy, sticky underworld themselves?

Thank you so much, N.E. McMorran for gifting me a copy of Moojag and the Auticode Secret.