A review by cheekybat
The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude


This book came through the drop and just as I went to check it in the cover caught me off guard. I decided I'd read the jacket and see if it seemed interesting enough to check out for myself and sure enough the cover and synopsis pulled me in.

I typically don't read this type of book, where it's dark but not at all fantasy based. The reviews are true to the back, the atmosphere is very well written in my opinion and I could imagine being in the Glen myself right there with the characters.

The end was really dramatic all at once and it led to a really interesting turn of events I never thought would happen, but I liked that a lot.

I'd recommend this one! If the idea of a community that's hillfolk who don't take too kind to much of today's technology and also highly respect passing down stories and keeping their long standing superstitions alive interests you, this is one hell of a story!