A review by beckyrendon
Inked in Lies by Giana Darling


Love the way you lie...

Once upon a time, Giana Darling created a family. It wasn't the Cleavers. This family tree is made of grafted branches. Its stronger than other families because it's bond is through life, trauma, and love. Nothing is taken for granted. You aren't a placeholder. There's no heir apparent. No need to wear t-shirts that say "I'm the oldest". The only uniform they wear is leather.

This beautiful storybook family may not be your first wish upon a star but they are all a wish come true.

Giana Darling has made many people fall for the Fallen Men MC. Without a doubt, many more will fall in the future. With amazing and devastatingly complicated men behind the leather, it's a wonder more haven't fallen victim to the unrequited love bug.

Nova, being the prettiest, is the embodiment of many fantasies- none of which have anything to do with his looks. Protector. Hero. He is and was everything to her. One of two men whose purpose in life was to protect her mind, body, and feed her soul. She had no choice. Love was given before she even knew the consequences. Lila may have chosen her path but she couldn't have avoided it either.

Love makes people do crazy and wonderful things. Giana Darling makes us cry, laugh, love, and mourn. Seems like her magic is very similar to the kind Nova wields.

Love the way you lie, Nova. I love it to my very marrow.