A review by kellyhager
The Complete Gillian Flynn: Gone Girl, Dark Places, Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn


Oh, seriously, you guys, THIS BOOK. It's one of those books where I went in---even knowing that every review EVER of this book says that there are twists and turns that you cannot possibly hope to figure out until Gillian Flynn tells you---pretty sure that I would know what was going on. Of course I would. Yeah. NO. :) This book is a complete masterpiece. It is gripping and creepy and it will completely play with your head.

And now that I've finished it, all I can think is that this is one of those books that everyone should be reading, that if the publishing world were a meritocracy, this is the book that you'd see on airplanes and beaches and subways instead of, say, that book with the tie on the cover. This book is just that amazing.

Highly recommended.