A review by kady_evans
Ball: Stories by Tara Ison


First things first: I would not recommend this book unless you are alright reading graphic, sexual works. I often find 'provocative' is just a code word for 'borderline pornographic' - not that that's a problem, but it can be misleading for those not expecting it. These stories showcase abusive relationships, dubious consent with a minor, animal abuse, and intensely flawed individuals in a myriad of relationships.

That being said, 'Ball' is a gutsy debut. I was immediately drawn in to the world of the stories and their complicated, violent, terrified characters. The people that Ison portrays feel real, even if their scenarios or reactions seem almost dreamlike. I can't see myself doing a lot of what these characters do, but I sympathize with them. I know how much luckier I am than they are.

Sex and relationships are undercurrents throughout the collection. You will feel ashamed for the characters, and you'll question your own fascination in their ridiculous, disturbing lives. They don't make smart or rational decisions - but that's not the point. They're human, and they're responding to scenarios in that very human way of 'this doesn't totally make sense, but this is how I rationalize it'.

My favourite stories were 'Cactus', 'Musical Chairs' and 'Multiple Choice'. If you read anything, read the last story. The other stories give it more impact, but I really feel it still stands on its own as a type of feminist manifesto. It's by far the most female-positive. Avoid 'Bakery Girl', 'Ball' and 'Apology' for the reasons above; they're shock for the sake of being shocking. 4/5