A review by wellington299
How to Hold a Grudge: From Resentment to Contentment—The Power of Grudges to Transform Your Life by Sophie Hannah


The book made me re-think grudges I've had. And that's it's greatest services. Because grudges have a horrible reputation. Grudges are not all bad.

For example, Michael Jordan had a grudge against a high school basketball coach for cutting him from the varsity basketball team. Grudges can be a great motivator. It takes people with a tremendous grudges to push through years of court to win a trial or rebel against King George III ( and found the USA),

This how to book is written by a crime novelist. She is not a professional; she's a person with a lot of experience with grudges. Her advice comes across as amateurish ... and honest. On the grudge topic, she can be on the neurotic side (and I'm afraid she'll hold a grudge against me in this review). However, I do appreciate that she took a stab at a new topic (grudge) opening the door for more discussion.

The book does ride on Sophie's sense of humor and neurosis, which I can understand people being turned off on her style.