A review by shandra
Tempt by Rene Folsom


Fairy tales are absolutely not just for kids! I'm so glad I read this in October because it sets the absolute perfect atmospheric tone for a Halloween temptation which is both trick and treat at once. There's a lovely sense of fear, dread, heart-pounding worry at the onset which changes, morphs like the Big Bad Wolf turning into Granny in the original tale of Little Red Riding Hood except this change? It's sensual.


Wild women race barefoot through forests after beasts.

Rosetta -our heroine in this story- starts out as a seemingly normal, tame woman. She's young, pretty enough, but passive. Her life is dictated by the small town life around her; she can't even seem to stir up enough antipathy to fight against people using nicknames for her she hates (All of which I don't blame her for because seriously? RoRo? I'd roll right over someone for that particular nightmarish moniker.) so what makes her interesting?

She instantly starts to fall down the rabbit hole into a magical world of wild creatures and a wild woman who haunts her dreams, tempting her to take life instead of be taken by it.

Tempt is a great treat with a bit of trick mixed in to keep the reader guessing. I loved it from start to finish and I can't wait for the next installment in the series! It's an easy 5 stars from me.

*NOTE: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review on behalf of This Redhead LOVES Books Blog. I have since purchased it for myself so that it may remain a permanent part of my library.* ~Shandra Torbett, Reviewer, This Redhead LOVES Books