A review by allbookedup_
Make Something Up: Stories You Can't Unread by Chuck Palahniuk


You’re not going to like every single story with the same enthusiasm in a book of short stories 99% of the time so if you go in thinking every single one of these stories is going to be great you will set yourself up for some level of disappointment.

I did like 85% of these stories. Some of there were pretty grisly and left me feeling like they were done as a pure shock factor more than anything.

The Toad Prince had me feeling actually like I was going to be sick and hoping that I didn’t read too deep and actually imagine anything that was happening. Just thinking about the story has me feeling queasy with disgust.

Folklore, Romance, and Mister Elegant were some of my favorites from this book. Mister Elegant is about a male stripper in a knock off Chippendales costume and the struggle of timing and being the best performer. Of course there is a twist and you're left feeling slightly embarrassed for the main character but that's half the fun.