A review by marilynw
Hadley and Grace by Suzanne Redfearn


Hadley and Grace by Suzanne Redfearn

Thirty eight year old Hadley is finally doing what needs to be done to get herself and her daughter, Mattie, away from her abusive husband. Twenty eight year old Grace is pushed to her limits by the same man, when he cheats her out of the commission she needs to be able to support herself and her baby. Grace's husband has once again gambled off every last cent that they had and Grace knows she can't stay in such a marriage. 

This story is full of coincidences and unlikely scenarios, making serious subjects also a bit lighthearted and implausible but I enjoyed the characters and the way the story was told. I thought I wouldn't like Hadley and Grace, with Hadley being so submissive to her abusive husband and Grace left hard edged and untrusting due to being thrown into the foster system after losing her grandmother. But the author shows a depth to both women and shows that they aren't just black and white caricatures. Throughout this journey both women change, become a team, not willing to leave the other to an uncertain future. 

There is also sullen, angry teenage Mattie who changes, too. And Skipper, IQ of 75, the sweetest, smartest (in his own very intelligent way) kid, a kid that is based on a real life Skipper. Not to be forgotten are two FBI agents. We get to know Mark and what makes him tick and we get to know Fritz. We see how both men know each other so well, giving us another sense of life having been lived before we meet these two partners. Even though the story is farfetched in many ways, it endears me to so many of the characters while being funny and hopeful, during what seems to be a hopeless situation. 

This is a retelling of Thelma and Louise, a story I've never read or watched because I know how it ends and I'm not into those kinds of endings. But I wanted to give this story a go since I enjoyed Redfearn's In an Instant, so much. The first part of the story seems to be a long buildup but it's worth the time it takes for me. I think that's why I was able to want these women and those around them, to succeed. I'm very happy with how the story ended and couldn't have imagined such a satisfying conclusion to all that happened before the final chapter. 

Publication date: February 1st 2021

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC.