A review by dulindiel
Noble Satyr by Lucinda Brant


I have so many issues with this book. At the start I was squicked out by Antonia's portrayal because she felt really young and they kept going on about how young she was and then Roxton was really paternal to her in a kind of genuine way and had minimal chemistry with her. Which was fine and sweet until the shift in gears to make them a romantic couple. It eventually settled to not so weird but that transition was pretty rough.

The middle third of this was solidly enjoyable I'd give the middle third of this book three and a half stars actually but it kind of went off the rails at the end. The only reason there was any tension at all was because we were following the abduction through the eyes of someone unable to communicate and that felt really forced to me. And I had a really strong attack of JUST GET ON WITH IT ALREADY.

The pacing just struck me as really off tbh. At about 60% I was wondering what the hell else would be happening because everything seemed solved to me and again at 80%. At every point that I thought that there was a ridiculous twist to wring more drama out of this book. I really feel like this would have been better served as a shirt story that ends at about 60% (when she gets him to confess that he creepy loves her) and keep the ridiculous plot twists for a different heroine.

I did really like Etienne's descent into madness although it did feel a little bit like the Salvans were evil for the sake of it but and addict spiral is an interesting way to go and his delusions would make it difficult for him to recover at all. (Perhaps he will be taken under the wing of a high up in the Assassin brotherhood who is looking for weird writing whilst locked up in prison - but it's probably way to early to cross over nicely with that)