A review by readsomemorekatie
Storm Clouds and Devastation by Ashley James


My reviews for Ashley’s books are always biased, but trust me when I say this book is the real deal if you love broken boys and hurt/comfort.

Here’s some insider information about SCaD that I don’t think will be a shock once you read it:
Bodhi means the world to Ashley.
And me. And (hopefully) everyone who reads this story, but more than anyone, to Ashley. A lot of his pain is her pain and that is tangible on the pages. It’s right there in front of you, screaming in ink to FEEL IT.

The ultimate broken boy, this story is Bodhi’s redemption arc within his own head. Haven’t we all been there in some shape or form? You feel yourself digging into the hole of your darkest thoughts but have no way to stop the depth from getting deeper. In Bodhi’s case, he had a few choices. He’d tried them all before but this time… this time he looks up and sees a hand reaching in to help him out. Jules. The man he should not want and cannot have.

There’s always the fear that he’s too much, his burdens and body too heavy. That the hole is too deep. That he’ll pull the person trying to help into the darkness with him. The weight of it all is suffocating - but Jules is used to getting what he wants, and what he wants is Bodhi. What Bodhi doesn’t see is that he’s rescuing Jules at the same time.

Sometimes being saved is having someone meet you where you are right at that moment and having them say that it’s enough. You’re enough.
Then you take a small step toward the light.

Merged review:

My reviews for Ashley’s books are always biased, but trust me when I say this book is the real deal if you love broken boys and hurt/comfort.

Here’s some insider information about SCaD that I don’t think will be a shock once you read it:
Bodhi means the world to Ashley.
And me. And (hopefully) everyone who reads this story, but more than anyone, to Ashley. A lot of his pain is her pain and that is tangible on the pages. It’s right there in front of you, screaming in ink to FEEL IT.

The ultimate broken boy, this story is Bodhi’s redemption arc within his own head. Haven’t we all been there in some shape or form? You feel yourself digging into the hole of your darkest thoughts but have no way to stop the depth from getting deeper. In Bodhi’s case, he had a few choices. He’d tried them all before but this time… this time he looks up and sees a hand reaching in to help him out. Jules. The man he should not want and cannot have.

There’s always the fear that he’s too much, his burdens and body too heavy. That the hole is too deep. That he’ll pull the person trying to help into the darkness with him. The weight of it all is suffocating - but Jules is used to getting what he wants, and what he wants is Bodhi. What Bodhi doesn’t see is that he’s rescuing Jules at the same time.

Sometimes being saved is having someone meet you where you are right at that moment and having them say that it’s enough. You’re enough.
Then you take a small step toward the light.