A review by erhabori
My Summer of Wes by Missy Welsh


I think it was a mistake to read this now. I've found myself getting more and more impatient with M/M books of late. They are starting to remind me of Harlequin Romances: cheap, easy, quick, shoddily put together and monotonous. Finding one that genuinely engages me is becoming more difficult, which makes me sad because M/M books were my escape from traditional romance. I don't think this book was meant to be anything more that a quick, easy read, and readers were meant to treat it with a light hand and forgive its flaws. I just wasn't in the mood to let this slip past with a 3-star rating.

It is overly sentimental and the whole plot seems to revolve around the 2 MC's having sex in as many not-to-creative scenarios as they can imagine. There is some attempt to ground this sex in some framework of a relationship, but really, the cover sums up the book nicely. The characters aren't really solid. In fact, they aren't really any characters of consequence other than the MCs and the bullies who dutifully gay-bash. There wasn't really a plot, more a rearranging of scenes in which they have sex and then express flowery sentiments ad nauseum. Rinse and repeat. There were too many exclamation points...the characters were perpetually astounded it seems.

The writing itself wasn't bad, but there wasn't enough here to convince me to simply label this enjoyable fluff. It is only 100 pages or so, so really you can take it or leave it.