A review by jiibii
These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman, Meagan Spooner


These Broken Stars was out of this world! --pun intended!
I absolutely adored following Lilac and Tarver's adventure in this enticing and extremely interesting world the lovely authors have created!
Now, although this is at it's core a science-fiction books, only a small part of it is complicated, science-y stuff that usually just bores us and gives us a headache... These Broken Stars was the exact opposite!

It's not hard for me to give a book 5 stars. If the characters are interesting and the relationship established between them just as much; if the plot is acceptably enticing, not too complicated but enough to keep you guessing and thinking about it; if the book isn't particularly gory yet still has daring fights and conflicts: then it's a winner for me!
But These Broken Stars took it to a whole new level... Let me further explain:

--The characters, as is mentioned thoroughly through the review, are honestly some of the best I've ever read. Their dynamic is something that kept me guessing a good while, and I think Ms. Spooner and Ms. Kaufman have written them so beautifully, interestingly, and with a touch of humor. I enjoyed reading both characters so much! I think the two main characters are individually very interesting people, but when brought together, the good is even more highlighted.

--The plot is one of the most original, though almost in disguise. I have to admit it is a little cliche; crashing on a planet, the only two a dashing young man and an equally gorgeous young lady, all alone, slowly falling in love, bla bla bla... Yet, it didn't feel like that at all! The authors (I mention them quite a lot... THEY DESERVE IT!) made it feel like something completely new and refreshing, which, in it's own way, IS! You slowly start making sense of everything that's going on, and, like my favorite books do, it eventually makes your chin drop at the book you're holding.

--The setting... The ambient and atmosphere that you get across from this book is so realistic! While this happens with most books, I couldn't help but particularly feel IN the
Spoiler forest, the Icarus and eventually the crashed ship, the spooky abandoned building,
everything really!
Amie and Meagan outdid themselves in describing the setting, which is downright awesome really.

--The villain! This is actually a shocking surprise at the very end, so I can't really get into it without getting too spoilery. Like I said, a shocking surprise that will definitely make you wonder what happens next! A.K.A.: READ IT!

--The romance here written is so captivating, beautiful and honestly the cause of many a fangirl moment. The romance is an outstandingly well written (possibly my favorite) part in this starry novel. Going back to some of the elements I mentioned in the characters paragraph, I honestly couldn't get enough of these two! Their rocky and unfriendly relationship slowly turns into something so beautiful you can't help falling in love with THEM!

If you haven't figured out by now, I completely loved this novel! It hasn't left my mind since I finished it, and I doubt it ever will. If only the action of bestowing a book with more than 5 stars were to exist... Easily one of my favorites, and [b:This Night So Dark|22071887|This Night So Dark (Starbound, #1.5)|Amie Kaufman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1400845036s/22071887.jpg|41406237] was such a good short follow up! I seriously can't wait until [b:This Shattered World|13138734|This Shattered World (Starbound, #2)|Amie Kaufman|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1399982893s/13138734.jpg|18315710]!

If you're interested in more reviews, be sure to follow 'em, and it would mean a lot to me if you subscribed to my booktube channel here :)
A person with whom to discuss this amazing book would be highly welcome!
Thank you for reading :)