A review by eesh25
Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman


In my review of Scythe, I said that it was a rollercoaster. Well, this was a way bigger and badder rollercoaster and, even hours later, I'm still reeling. I'm gonna need a few months to fully process everything, which is great because the third, and final, book isn't coming out for at least another year. Yay... Not!

At the end of Scythe, Citra becomes a Scythe while Rowan escapes with Scythe Faraday. That means the Scythedom is looking for him. And instead of lying low, it turns out that he's decided to go rogue. He goes by Scythe Lucifer and ends corrupt Scythes (burns their bodies and everything). And before reading, I was afraid he'd had a psychotic break or something but no, he's quite sane. But he loves the Scythedom too much to let the corrupt Scythes poison it. This is his way of helping. Citra is helping too. But she's taken a diplomatic approach and introduces new ideals while being part of the system.

Then we have the Thunderhead, who's a big part of the book. You know how in Scythe, we got excerpts from the journals of various Scythes? Well, in this book, the excerpts are from the Thunderhead. We get to know it a lot. Even the chapters highly feature the Thunderhead. And I freaking loved it. The Thunderhead is such an interesting addition. It's an artificial intelligence that's pretty-much perfect and all-knowing. It's also concerned, most of all, with humanity's welfare. It's law-abiding but won't hesitate to use a loophole or two for a good cause.

But, while it's supposed to be perfect, I don't trust it. I guess, after AIs like Skynet and Ultron, it's difficult. But it's different from them, it truly cares about people. Though that could also be a problem. We don't know. And that's the beauty of it.

There another character we're introduced to. Greyson Tolliver. Love him too but I don't wanna give everyone away so you'll have to get to know him yourself. Basically, we have a lot of characters: Citra, Rowan, Scythe Curie, Scythe Faraday, Thunderhead, Greyson, and others. And they're amazing. There's not a single character that I'm supposed to like that I don't (meaning villains don't count). I didn't even hate Rowan's friend, who is too dumb for his own good.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, the character game in this novel is on point. So is the writing, Seriously, Neal Shusterman does such an amazing job of writing from each characters perspective. He balances the changes in tone perfectly to build tension and drops just the right amount of hints.

The pacing is also perfect, and faster than it was in Scythe. And I can't talk enough about the world building and the story. We delve deeper into a world that I already love, and we out why things are the way they are, from the Thunderhead. And it's all so believable and so human. This series truly is a study in human nature and we can see how much effort the author has put into understanding people. The story is... so good. It's fast and it's clever, and so nerve-wracking that I spent the last 300 pages in 'please tell me this isn't really happening' mode. And that ending! Oh my God!

Overall, I can safely say that this novel is perfect. It's better than I could've imagined and I cannot wait to see how the series will conclude. If you loved Scythe, then you're obviously reading this one. But even if you didn't, please give it a shot. You won't regret it.