A review by fiction_aficionado
Finally Accepted by Toni Shiloh


Two emotionally wounded people, two rather messy families, a group of supportive friends, and a strong message about forgiveness, grace, and acceptance are what you’ll get when you pick up the third book in Toni Shiloh’s Freedom Lake series. Chloe and Darryl are characters we’ve been following since the beginning of this series, and there are developments in Chloe’s story, in particular, in the previous book in this series, Grace Restored, so if you want the full picture, I recommend reading this series in order. That said, this could be read as a stand-alone novel, too.

One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about this series is the strong faith element. With many of the characters being new or young Christians, they’re exploring some really foundational elements of what it means to live as a believer, and in many cases, from the vantage point of some difficult circumstances. Chloe was raised by her grandmother after her mother abandoned her as a baby, and at the beginning of this book, she’s only just found out who her father is and learned she has three half-siblings. Let’s just say things get harder before they get better…

Darryl’s situation is slightly different, but no easier—and unlike Chloe, who’s one of the few life-long believers in the group—Darryl is just beginning his Christian walk. Their journeys remind us that, no matter where we are in our walk with Christ, difficult times will come, and no matter what we do or don’t have in our earthly lives, God wants to be our all. And yet, he blesses us with all kinds of earthly love as well. There will be emotional moments, sweet moments, and one totally heart-stopping moment (no spoilers!) as you read this story. I hope we haven’t seen the last of Freedom Lake.

I received a copy of this novel from the author. This has not influenced the content of my review, which is my honest and unbiased opinion.