A review by jacki_f
The Island Home by Libby Page


We're on a tiny island off Scotland - somewhere nearby Paul McCartney is striding around with a baby tucked in his jumper singing "Mull of Kintyre". The island's small and tight knit population is doggedly hanging in there but the potential closure of the local school is putting everything at risk.

Lorna grew up on the island, raised by very controlling parents, but she ran away at the age of 18 and has never been back. Nor has she spoken to her younger brother who still lives there since she left. Now her parents have died and she has returned with her teenage daughter for the funeral. Lorna has survived by keeping her life very small and minimising interactions with other people. She basically wants to get in and out as fast as she can.

Quite early on in this 437 page book I knew exactly how everything would pan out and that's exactly how it did. There were no twists, there were no surprises. It wasn't a bad book but it was super predictable and therefore a bit too long for what it was.