A review by mayisfaraway
Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War Two by Allan Bérubé


So I finished this yesterday night, and after my traditionnal "I'll sleep on it", here is what I thought.

I've been meaning to read this book for nearly three years now since I took a course on sex and gender in the US military while studying abroad, and I really enjoyed it!

The paradoxical association of the macho, patriarchal and conservativeness of the military with the LGBTQI+ world and women always puzzled me and Bérubé's detailed rendition and analysis of it was so enlightening and informative.

The interviwees' stories were really touching, almost made me tear up at times and really furthered Bérubé's point. I often found that interviews can be misused, or misinterpreted by the interviewer/historian at times, but I think Bérubé used each of them sensibly.

This book really gave me a new perspective on LGBTQI+ history in the USA, this time period and the gay rights movement that followed the decades after.
I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is interested to LGBTQI+ history, WWII and wants to broaden their understanding of queer culture, systematic oppressions and the beginning of the gay rights movement in the US.