A review by pc953
The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester


I was recommended this by an old man at the gym. It took me months to track down a copy but I really am glad i did. It falls into many tropes of the scfi of the time, which I comment on quite often. However for being such an old book it holds up remarkably well in modern concepts.

I read so that I can feel things. The arcs of characters are so dramatic that they effect an emotion upon the reader. Our tiger of a main character is a descipicble monster. Terrible to read about and follow. And yet through the book we learn to appreciate it him to know him and his inner tortures. His turn reminded me of Crime and Punishment and the inevitable turn the protangitionst of that story takes.

But the ending. I was carried by it. Faith on faith. That's what I need in my life right now and I'm glad this book reminded me of that.

Is it the best scfi novel of all time? I think not. But it's an explimintory of its time and is a foundation that so many other books have built upon. I'm glad to have read this.