A review by alyssaindira
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves



“You're not a half creature . Two ways of seeing should make you better, stronger, wiser. Like the owl, who sees in all directions.”

So I read this on a whim. i do not know why I thought it was similar to red queen,, but it was NOT. It was its own unique, vibrant, world. I was very intrigued with the world and the power system. I do not think I have read about a power system or way of magic like this one before. It was interesting to learn about how all the royals were able to use their power, and the history of it, etc. The actual sprinklings of history, I did skim over, mostly because I was unsure if it was true and to me, it did not enhance the plot. The writing was pretty good. It was not too detailed that it was overwhelming, but I do wish there had been more innner monologue and more inner turmoil, since some of the descriptive scenes were a bit jarring. But other than that, I thought the pace was alright for an intro novel, though I was confused as to who the love interest was supposed to be. And to be honest, I am still hoping for a different one.

Anna just wants to be like everyone else and fit into their society. Becaue of course, who likes being different?? But she learns that being different isnt always a weakness, but a strength. To be honest, I do not feel like I connected with her character that much, but I do admire her desire to fight for her family and make things right.

Again, I do not know who the love interest was supposed to be...I was hoping for one dude, then it was apparently another? Then perhaps anoher? I do not know...luckily this book did not really focus on romance, but rather revolution. I am still hoping that the guy I want gets chosen in the end, lmao

Alright remember this is all my opinion, if you want your own, read the book.