A review by mary_soon_lee
Cast in Conflict by Michelle Sagara


This is the sixteenth novel in the fantasy series "The Chronicles of Elantra," a series that I'm enjoying very much. The books have a very likable heroine, very likable recurring supporting characters, strong found-family and friendship themes, intriguing magic and worldbuilding, high stakes, and some notably dark content. I strongly recommend reading the series in order, because later books have comparatively little recapitulation of previous events -- and those events are necessary for emotional heft as well as clarity.

This is book sixteen. If you're this far into the series, I'll assume you're also enjoying it. There are themes that run through the series -- loneliness, found family, home, failures/bad actions in one's past, overcoming prejudice. They appear again here to good effect. I like the addition of the wevaran species to the series (first met in book fifteen). I like the slow unfolding of Bellusdeo's arc. Also, I am fond of Emmerian. And Mandorian. Indeed, as mentioned at the start of this, I am fond of many of the characters. In particular, I'm hoping Severn has a larger part in book seventeen.

Four out of five webbed stars.

About my reviews: I try to review every book I read, including those that I don't end up enjoying. The reviews are not scholarly, but just indicate my reaction as a reader, reading being my addiction. I am miserly with 5-star reviews; 4 stars means I liked a book very much; 3 stars means I liked it; 2 stars means I didn't like it (though often the 2-star books are very popular with other readers and/or are by authors whose other work I've loved).