A review by tabatha_shipley
Last Memoria by Rachel Emma Shaw


What I Did Like:
-Dual POV storyline. I’ve seen that done a lot. I haven’t often seen it done like this and I LOVED the way it shaped this story.
-The messages and themes in this one are HUGE. Really the entire book could be driven by the question if you had a chance to cut one thing from your memory, would you? Big messages, big lessons.
-Characters. They’re both so much deeper than they seem on the surface and I loved diving into their backgrounds. This book has MORALITY QUESTIONS, which is one of my favorite things to see in YA books. Can you be a good person if you have done bad things?

Who Should Read This One:
-Fantasy readers. The world created here by memory reading is wonderful. It’s a great dive into a fantasy world that has been well conceptualized.
-Science Fiction fans who like books that go just outside the realm of plausible into something that forces them to THINK.
-Readers who like BIG emotions packed into their characters.

My Rating: 5 Stars. This will appeal to a wide range of readers. Highly recommended!

For Full Review (including what I didn’t like): https://youtu.be/e27XHLzNjdg