A review by ashleysreadingroom
Living Legend by Allie Shante


You will always be an angel and they will always be demons, but that doesn't mean everything surrounding us is plain and simple.

This book starts off right in purgatory and is it weird I wish we would of had more time in there with Dani before she got summoned to Heaven's Gate? I really want to see Dani in her prime. I feel like that would have been so interesting to read. ANYWAYS. We start off in purgatory but immediately head on over to Heaven's Gate because Dani is needed for what one could say is a lucrative mission. This is where we also meet our mmc Nicholas who is a sentry angel. Our two MCs have really great banter between the two of them and the tension is to the point of snapping when they lay eyes upon each other.

I also thought the whole making Angels not these purely innocent beings was pretty neat. They curse and other things just like the rest of us so there wasn't some crazy thing that drew them apart from a normal person. They were just kind of more militant since they take orders and rarely ask questions

This book has quite the twists in it and one of them regarding our girl, Dani, made me very curious on how her and Nick would have played out if a certain someone hadn't intervened. Some parts of this story will just have those metaphorical mental cog wheels turning thinking up all the possibilities of what could have been and what will be. Which in regards to how this particular information was obtained was super invasive and I'm mad that there wasn't more anger directed at the people involved with how it was obtained. I'm looking at you Nick and less at Elise since it definitely felt a bit like a betrayal to me on his end. Most of Elise's transgressions felt more in the past, like bringing up a mistake someone made years ago just to use it as a weapon in the present. IDK. I like Elise so I didn't particular enjoy how the blame was doled out.

Which leads me to:
My favorite character was Elise she was giving me all the Mazikeen vibes and I freaking loved it! She's seriously so misunderstood.

The only thing I didn't enjoy as much as everything with this story was just it got a little over descriptive. I like to just read and not have to constantly visualize outfits and mannerisms. I kind of like it to be a one and done and unless it's like super necessary to the story we don't dive into those details again. I am very much a action and banter girlie. I still finished it in about a day so it's definitely a great book even if I didn't like every single part and what I didn't like is so minor to the story as a whole.

Also adored all the representation in this book.