A review by cjyu
Tempestuous by Lesley Livingston


What did I think??

1. Kelley, why the heck did you lie to Sonny??!! Ok, so you had your reasons, but still. It hurt. A lot.*takes a deep breath* I guess I can't really blame you. I would do the same. Who wouldn't?

2. Sonny. Don't you dare be mad at Kelley after all she's done for you. Yes, she lied, but she lied to keep you safe. I mean,like Bob said, you probably scared her to death at the theater. Seriously. I freaked out. (But it was so sweet, so I was mixed between horror and melting into a puddle.)

So to put it simply, Tempestous was the ending that I was waiting for, the perfect ending where everything will end perfectly. Kinda. Okay, so a few problems I had with a few charaters:

1. Fennrys Wolf: Not going to say anything, except this: 'Wow, do we feel so betrayed!'
2. Gwapp au Nudd(or however you spell his name): Not going to say anything, because I know I will start swearing, and I'm not really sure I want to do that right now.
3. Titania. Seriously. Get. A. Life. Are you so bored, that you have to plot against the guy you like?
4. Auberon. Okay, so you were better at the end, but still. I'm still a little pissed at you for taking Kelley's Unseelie gift. At least you gave it back.
5. Mabh. Actually, there's no problems with you(at least not with me) so I'm just going to skip.
6. Bob. Thanks for everything you've done! (Part sarcasm, part truth.)

Lesley Livingston's writing was quite good in this book- in Darklight I felt like it was missing a little something- or perhaps it was just me crying over the ending- but in Tempestuous, I felt like it was complete and lead the story on quite well. By far, it's the most favourite out of the series.