A review by ellaellaellaetc
Daydream by Hannah Grace


 okayyyyy!! this was cute! I think if you're a people pleaser and you just want someone to take care of you sometimes but you lowkey don't think you deserve it (you do btw) I think you will get a lot from this book. this is about typical older sister college girl haley who breaks up with her long time bf and realises that she doesn't really have friends. it follows her on her journey coming more out of her shell and finally putting herself first for the first time ever. hockey boy henry falls head over heels for her and they become friends and then more :)

this was really really sweet and if you like wholesome romances where you can genuinely feel the friendship between the two characters I think you would enjoy this! I think a lot of women will unfortunately relate a lot of haley (me lowkey😭😭) and they all deserve a henry in their lives! lowkey I did think that it was a bit unrealistic how quickly he fell for her especially cause he's not really a relationship guy before this but whateva ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ also miss hannah grace lovesssss to make her characters communicate which I like but her characters also tend to be overly self-aware about their vices and ways that their trauma affects their every day life to the point where it's a bit on the nose, unrealistic and doesn't really give the reader the chance to make their own connections (ie instead of showing how haley's family treats her like a third parent and then show how this affects what she thinks her friend expect of her, haley will just explain it in therapised language exactly how all her past experiences affect her daily life choices in a way that's a bit too informed (if that makes sense)). honestly this wouldn't necessarily be a problem to have a character like this but every single protagonist in every single hannah grace book is like this😭😭 babes like where's the subtlety. where's the room for audience interpretation. also the dialogue wasn't really realistic. at the end of the day that doesn't matter though cause I still ate this the fuck up. love. 4.5 stars