A review by aliceboule
Horde by Ann Aguirre


So i loved this. Very much. Very very much. In fact so much, that I had a mini dancing party, alone, in my room, at 3 the morning, to fully express my joy.

Aguirre manages to make a seemingly typical subject: dystopia+ brave female lead+ a goodlooking tortured male lead + a smidgen of sexual tension + super power and make it completely incredible. I don't know what recipe she's using but, by golly, its working .

Considering the first two books in this series were wonderful, ( and i had just read the final of the Divergent series and been super dissapointed -- you can find my review for that) I was honestly not expecting too much.

She blew me out of the water. Into happy kittens and unicorns land.

I loved Deuce and how her character is never stagnant. I love her loyalty and Deuce's mind set of KNOWING WHAT SHE GODAMN WANTS. There is nothing more annoying than a weak willed heroine. seriously grow some balls. Anyways Deuce is NOT like that, and its perfect. She has just the right amount of flaws to balance her strengths.

Aguirre makes all her characters have a purpose and getting to know these new brave souls made reading Horde all the more interesting.

Fade, as per usual, had my heart beating way too fast for my mortal body: but it was worth it. He, like Deuce, evolves as the story progresses thereby making it so that there is never a dull moment. The Fade he is in the beginning of the story is not how he is at the middle, or as he is in the end.

I will definitely be reading more of Aguirre's works. There is much to be found between the covers of her books. I really enjoyed this and I think mostly everyone will as well!!