A review by lukeisthename34
Thumbprint by Joe Hill, Jason Ciaramella


I'll be honest, I've actually now read this story, I think, three times. The first time by itself. Then I read it again in FULL THROTTLE. Then I found out there was a graphic novel and was told there was an ending (that the shortstories didn't have), and it's true. That said. It's still so bleak, and so depressing, I'm not sure why I gave it this much of my time. Well written. For sure. But like so many of Hill's stories, upsetting to a degree I sometimes find hard to deal with. Not because of gore, or violence, or a lack of humanity and empathy. But there is just something about the way he writes real feeling stories, like that mass shooter one, that stick with you and are so troubling. Very talented, for sure, but I hate having some of this stuff stuck in my head.