A review by writtenechoes
Guys Like Him by Aimee Nicole Walker


“I’m going to be the man who cherishes everything you are. I won’t make the same mistake as those other guys. They didn’t deserve you, but I will.”

Great premise, but it ultimately fell pretty flat. Kieran is just released from over a year behind bars. He gets a job at a place called Redemption Ridge where many ex-convicts go to work. It’s a ranch with horses and bees and a perfect view of a mountain range. That’s legit all I know about the place. Kieran meets Finley, the enigmatic sweet horse trainer at RR. The first 50% of the book is them being shy around one another and Kieran trying to figure out who set him up since he was wrongfully convicted of stealing a luxury car. Finley has a thing for bad guys but refuses to get involved with Kieran. It’s all pretty predictable. The romance was kind of lacking and these guys didn’t really talk a lot or have much in common besides their instalust for one another. I kind of found myself more intrigued by the mystery of who set Kieran up then by the romance. Which says a lot because I hate mysteries lol.

It was wrapped up pretty much how I thought it would be as well. While I wasn’t blown away by the romance or MC’s, the found family was nice and the setting too. But ultimately this had a lot going on. There’s the mystery of who set Kieran up and and a cult in town that Finley’s ex joined and there’s Kieran that wanted to be an artist but his family was also abusive … it was just a lot and I was just so bored.

I received an arc and this is my honest review.