A review by aarnireads
Lord of Chaos by Robert Jordan


Jordan had interesting concepts and ideas, honestly. I don't even remember which book was the one that I finally dropped and never finished reading Wheel of Time so I'll dump my review on here.

But oh, Jordan. I liked things and then I hated things. I love mythological fated-to-be-a-hero-protagonists, honestly! But Jordan couldn't write female characters for shit, Rand became absolutely unlikable and in the end the only characters I vaguely liked were Mat and... well, Mat. The first three or so books of the series still held my interest, but then it get dragging on and on and on, excruciatingly annoying lady characters didn't make it any less hard to read and how many times can you say ~~the last battle is upon us oooh aaaah~~ when it never fucking happens.

A power that is "designed" to be channelled differently through men and women is an interesting idea, prophecies that tell that this Ordinary Kid will be a Saviour Of All Of Reality, Big Evil lurking beneath the ground, the inevitablity of fate and rebirth etc. But no. Characters can either save or kill a series and this became the latter, not forgetting the excruciatingly slow pace and the habit of having something mindblowing happen in the last goddamn chapter.