A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Down Under with the Hottie by Juli Alexander


Down Under with the Hottie by Juli Alexander is the third book in the Investigating the Hottie series. It is spring break and Amanda has a new assignment. She is going to Australia. Her long-distance boyfriend, is also going as well as her Aunt Christie and her partner, Nic. Amanda and Will Middleton will be joining a tour group called Go Big Tours that is going to Sydney (and see the sights). Their mission is to stop a terrorist plot to take down Sydney's economy. GASI's believes that Avaritia Militia (from the last book) is behind the plot. Will and Amanda are teen spies Global Agency for Shared Intelligence (GASI). So far Amanda's parents do not know that she is a spy and Aunt Christie has avoided telling them. Will's parents do know and his grandmother, Brenda is also a spy.

The Go Big group all meets up in LA for the long flight to Sydney. The group consists of a four mean girls, three jocks, Aaron (who is sticking to Amanda and Will like glue), and the chaperones. One of the chaperones happens to be Will's grandmother, Brenda. The tour is not quite what Will and Amanda are expecting. They get to stay in a cheap hotel, eat lousy food, and have to carry hideous backpacks (who wants mustard yellow on a backpack).

In between seeing the sights, they are trying to get information on the attack. Will and Amanda are looking forward to using their spy skills as well as some of the wonderful GASI technology. Down Under with the Hottie gets 3.75 out of 5 stars. I enjoyed the book, but I did not find it as good as the first two books in the series. Down Under with the Hottie is available on Kindle Unlimited.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.