A review by raerei
Proust Was a Neuroscientist by Jonah Lehrer


In this collection of artists and scientific explorations, Lehrer attempts to show how art can explain what science cannot. Cezanne painted swatches of color that show how our eyes really do see - not as pixels but as swatches. Virginia Wolfe knew the mind was a fragmented collection of sensations held together by a self that arose from that and science has still not been able to find if there is a where for that greater self.

Very enjoyable book and unlike How We Decide, not filled with scientific stories that I had already heard. Made me much more interested in some of the classic writers and artists of our day. Although I probably won't read Gertrude Stein, I have a greater appreciation for George Elliot, Virginia Wolfe, Cezanne, and many others in that when/if I ever read/see/hear them, I will have a new perspective to enjoy them from.