A review by biblioholicbeth
Batman: Nightwalker #1: Special Edition by Marie Lu, Stuart Moore, Chris Wildgoose


Bruce Wayne - we all know what happened to his parents and about his crime-fighting. But what about in between those things, when he became an adult and had not yet become Batman? This is just one possible version of what could have been those events, when Bruce had just turned 18 and was still...just Bruce. Famous, handsome, and rich - but still just Bruce. When his first run-in with the police and major crime at that age was when the Nightwalkers came to call in Gotham City.

The story is true to the Batman ethos, as far as I know it (I'm familiar, but don't read the comics or belong to any fandom). Alfred is, as he always has been, there for Bruce. Some characters that show up later in the the Batman stories make their appearance here, as well as a few who - to the best of my knowledge - are here only. They are all intriguing, particularly Madeleine, the girl Bruce meets at Arkham Asylum.

The story moves pretty quickly once it gets started - this is not a long book. But it's a fun read, well worth the time. There are a few spots where it *feels* like a YA book, but in general, it is just a good story that anyone can enjoy. Setting, of course, is Gotham City, and Lu does a great job bringing it to life in her story.

Overall, it's a fast, fun, interesting take on who Bruce was before he became Batman, and offers an idea of just how the mythos may have gotten started.