A review by dantastic
Jack Staff Volume 3: Echoes of Tomorrow by Paul Grist


Echoes of Tomorrow collects Jack Staff #6-12.

As per usual, this volume has multiple storylines that converge. Jack Staff and the gang fight a Captain Nazi analog in the past, there's a demon, Q is up to something, The Claw has something going on, vampire hunters are after Betty Burdock, and lots of other crazy shit is going on. There are even analogs of Alan Moore and Elric in it.

Also as per usual, I loved every page. I can see why Paul Grist's stuff doesn't sell particularly well. He definitely thinks outside the box and does a lot of things that defy typical super hero conventions. It's a rewarding experience if that's your bag, though. There aren't a lot of super hero books with such a large cast and frequently shifting viewpoints. You definitely get your money's worth in a Paul Grist Jack Staff book.

Four out of five stars.