A review by scarletbook
Tempted to Kiss by W. Winters


Quick note - This is book 3 in the Hard to Love series. It won't make sense without having read the first 2 books!

Being the third part of the series, we finally get past that annoying little cliffhanger we were left with in the previous books. And Willow did not disappoint. We go straight into the drama. And oh what a story it makes. You will be left feeling everything Laura is going through, and the desperation Seth has to keep Laura.

Seth and Laura really are a beloved couple of mine in this series, they're always being pulled from all sides and always in the direction that keeps them away from each other and I just want them to have a happy end, but in true Willow fashion, there was yet another cliffhanger that leaves me wanting the next book yesterday so I can see how their story ends.

Of course other than everything Laura and Seth are facing in their relationship, we also continue the journey into our connecting story. Marcus and his mystery. With every book in this world, I get more and more curious about this enigmatic man and I can't wait to finally meet the man behind the mystery!