A review by lerat42
Farseer by William King


If I had to describe these books I’d probably call them a “guilty pleasure,” but honestly I don’t feel guilty at all about reading these books. For those unfamiliar, Warhammer 40K is (among other things) a game you play with miniatures and being that I collect 40K miniatures, part of my enjoyment of these books comes from seeing that world “come alive.” So honestly, I probably don’t expect too much else from a 40K book which makes it a little harder to give an objective review about them. But occasionally I read one that catches me up in the story even more so than the background material, and this book is one of those. While I thoroughly enjoyed the additional background info on the Eldars and the Chaos Characters, I also found myself rooting for the hero anxious to see how it would all turn out. Sure it is not great art. But it great fun.