A review by maxarcreads
Body and Soul by L. Eveland


this is a 4.25 for me. I have been really looking forward to Shepheard's book because I was really curious about him and all his alters and how that would work in a romance. Especially with one of the alters being so unhinged the other brothers were always very cautious around him. This alter was names Keres and of course he was my favorite almost a little more than Shepeard himself simply because I love unhinged, single minded, intense MMCs. 
But overall, this was an interesting depiction of how someone with DID can function and have a relationship with all the different alters and even the purposes of the alters and what they represent. 
I really liked Eli and just wanted to do everything I could to keep him safe. I loved how each of the alters in a way not only had their purpose for Shepheard but also had their own part in providing Eli what he needed in a relationship as well. You had one that was there to protect him, one to provide companionship, one that let him in a way be a kid again and then Shepheard himself who was able to be there for Eli and provide him love and guidance and a chance to explore his needs while also healing. 
This was an interesting relationship dynamic that came with lots of spice that was very enjoyable to read. Each character added to the story, and I enjoyed them all. I will say for the plot it did feel a little slow and dragged a little. 
Overall, I really enjoyed the book and getting's Shepeard's story but I as always, I am curious what the next book holds for the next family member. This family is so interesting, and I can't wait to see what happens next. 

This book is about Shepheard is doing everything he can to maintain balance in his life. He is a respectable Doctor (psychiatrist), Dom, business owner and professor. But he also helps his family in their vigilante business of going after criminals that keep evading justice. All while also secretly trying to track down the cult he grew up that still has his sister in their grasps. It's a lot that's for sure especially for the average person but he is like other people. He has DID disassociate identity disorder with 4 alters that he has to share his life with. So, to say he is burnt out is an understatement. Unfortunately, he doesn't have a submissive or anyone who has caught his eye that he could blow off steam with. That is until he meets Eli and sparks fly. But Eli is too good and pure and even more important too fragile psychologically to handle him and his needs. That is until he finds out the reason for his fragile state is he suffered at the hands of the same cult he was a part of and has had trouble locating to find his sister. At first Shepherd want to exploit this connection so that he can use it to locate his sister and take down this cult but the more time he spends with Eli the more he wants something deeper with him, but will Eli be able to handle all complications and danger that comes with being with him...especially when the monster inside his head wants to come out and play. 

I received an Arc Copy in exchange for an honest review.