A review by yourwordsmyink
Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend


Read the full review at www.yourwordsmyink.com

I wish my 11-year-old-self had read this book. It is fantastic and magical and wonderful and a delight to read. Townsend paints such a vivid picture and creates such a stunningly realistic, yet magical world, I wish I could live in Nevermoor. This book feels like Harry Potter, Narnia, Dr Seuss and all the best memories of your childhood rolled into one. The plot is as unique as the world Townsend created and I honestly cannot wait to read more.

This book made me wish I could grow up with the characters, as I did with Harry Potter. Nevermoor invoked all of the feelings I felt when reading Harry Potter, but the book still stands well on its own and is a fantastical adventure in its own right. This book is perfect for older readers as well, since I, a 22-year-old, am currently raving about how amazing it is.

I'm eagerly awaiting my Wundrous Society invitation and the second book.