A review by valerielong
Cat with a Clue by Laurie Cass


I actually would give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars, but Goodreads doesn't let me do that.

"Cat with a Clue" is the 5th installment of the Bookmobile Cat mysteries by Laurie Cass, and I have to say that I think this one is my favorite in the series so far.

The basic synopsis is that strange things are happening in Chilson and in its library. We start off with our heroine, Minnie, finding a dead body in the library and then there are a series of strange break-ins, both at the library and at other places around town. It's up to Minnie to help the Sheriff's Department to figure out who's behind all this crime. Well, okay, technically it's up to the Sheriff's office alone, but Minnie thinks it's her job too.

I thoroughly enjoy the characters in this series for the most part. They're complex, well-developed and realistic. Minnie, like the rest of us, has trials just dealing with the stress of life sometimes (and don't we all!). Since the two characters I didn't really like left the series in the 4th book, including Minnie's long-distance boyfriend, this book was even more fun for me to read! Minnie's new love interest looks promising as well.

Laurie Cass has a very fluid writing style. The story line flows easily from section to section. The transitions of scenes are nearly flawless and I've never felt that the story line drags on and on. It moves at a steady pace throughout the whole book.

I will admit that I'm slightly biased on the descriptions of the settings, since it takes place in one of my favorite parts of Michigan. It's a small town set on a small lake in the northwest portion of the Lower Peninsula, one of those places that Michiganders tend to refer to as "Up North". I love reading all the descriptions of the scenery and the places in the book since I'm familiar with the area. I feel like the descriptions aren't too wordy (which is something I really don't like), but as I said, I'm a bit biased on that front.

The only reason this book does not receive five stars is because it didn't have a huge "wow" factor for me or an emotional hook for me, which is part of my criteria for a 5 star book. It is still a wonderful cozy mystery and I highly recommend it and the rest of this series!

[I received a free copy of this book from the author/publisher in exchange for my fair and honest review. My review was not influenced by this, nor was I compensated for my review. All opinions and conclusions are my own.]

Originally posted on: Valerie's Musings