A review by jimbowen0306
Genesis by Karin Slaughter


I'm not going to lie, I sometimes wonder how Karin Slaughter's mind works.

In this book 3 women go missing, and Will Trent, and his partner, get called into the cases to save the day, which they do, of course, They're the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (the Georgia version of the FBI). Trent's a stuffed shirt, while his partner is a gobby so-and-so with anger (and health) issues.

In many ways, this is your standard detective story. A serial killer is on the loose, and only the GBI can save the day. It was a decent read, but the subject matter was... somewhat gross. I've not read a Karin Slaughter novel that wasn't somewhat gross, and this one was no exception. If you can put up with the disgusting, you'll get on with this book, just fine.

The one thing that profoundly irritates me is the Will Trent character. He has dyslexia. It isn't mild, it's so profound, he's effectively illiterate. I wouldn't mind, but it's never explained how he managed to get onto the GBI with such a debilitating issue. I really think she could have given him an issue that was remotely believable.