A review by ranforingus
More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon



After two days of just letting the story sink in, that's still the only thing I can come up with.
I have definitely found a new favourite author!

At first, the story was a little difficult to get into, but if you persevere.... Mind = blown.

There's not a lot that I can say about this book without spoiling it, but one thing that it does extraordinarily well is make you think... Long and hard. About topics you wouldn't normally give too much thought to.
I couldn't read this book in one sitting, there were too many implications, too many pieces of this gigantic puzzle that kept slotting into place that it was impossible NOT to ponder over it like a philosopher and bask in the awesome feeling that there's more to come and that things will get even MORE complicated.

While the actual content of the book was a lot different than what I'd expected at first, it didn't bother me at all. Instead, this story and these characters grow on you. The mystery clings to you until you finally uncover exactly what happened over the course of the story, the order in which it happened, and what the implications are for all of the characters.

I may sound like a blabbering fool, but this book tickled all the right places in my brain so I don't care. I truly hope to find more stories like these!

Over and Out!