A review by readwithanerd
Neon Gods by Katee Robert


⅘ Stars

I was recommended this book by a Barnes and Noble’s employee because she said it was the smuttiest book she has ever read, and I did not believe her… oh how wrong I was….

This book had little to no plot whatsoever, it was all smut. It was like 20% plot and 80% smut and there was so much of it… and I would be lying if I wasn't here for it lol. So let's move on from the many, MANY spicy scenes and let's talk about the book as a whole.

What I liked:
This is my first Hades and Persenphone retelling that I have ever read, which means that I have little knowledge about Greek Mythology. This made me scared that I was not going to understand the plot or characters, however, the modern take on this story was very interesting with the locations and people that made it easy to understand. I loved how this Hades and Persepone were portrayed in this book but I can’t compare these characters to other Hades and Persephone retellings because I never read them, but it was fun all the same.

What I did not like:
The plot…. The way that the conflict was fixed was stupid…. It just proves that this book was only made for smut..
Also… Hades… It was a love and hate relationship because there were some characteristics that I would deem a red flag but like I said before I don’t know enough about Greek Mythology to form a full opinion on his character.

Overall, this book was a hot read and added a new and fun twist to the traditional story.