A review by helterskelliter
ニセコイ 1 [Fake Love 1] by Naoshi Komi


Raku Ichijo and Chitoge Kirisaki hate each other at first sight.

Unfortunately, when Ichijo’s yakuza father arranges a fake love match between him and the daughter of a rival gang leader in order to prevent a massive conflict, Ichijo and Chitoge find themselves having to pretend to be in love.

Double unfortunately, Ichijo is ever on the lookout for the girl he exchanged necklaces with as a child—the girl he’s fern in love with since then. He has a lock necklace and the girl, a key. He’s grown fairly certain that his classmate and crush, Onodera, may actually be that same girl. But, he can’t remember the girl’s face.

Being in a pretend relationship with Chitoge, though, puts him in a bit of bind in regards to solving that mystery. He can’t very well date both girls—can he?

This is such a fun, comedy of errors romance story. I really enjoy the characters so far and the storyline is unexpectedly hysterical throughout. This is a great manga for someone who loves a good romance story with plenty of comedic situations thrown in that the characters have to overcome.

Definitely recommend!