A review by deannak92
A Feather So Black by Lyra Selene

adventurous mysterious medium-paced


I will never be able to let you go. You will always have a piece of my heart. A piece is not enough. I was made of earth and sky and endless waters. I was made to be loved fully, or not at all. 

A whimsical story with descriptive writing, taking on Celtic folklore, it’s certainly different but a very intriguing read. There was something about it that had me hooked but also at times a little bored, I can’t quite pinpoint it. But overall I did enjoy it, and will continue the series. You get a little love triangle, some steam and an open ending to set you up for the next book. I enjoyed the botanical magic 🪄🍃 

I want all of you. If you are sharp with broken thorns, let them cut me. If you churn with dark shadows, let them engulf me. And if your love only destroys, let it destroy me. I am already a doomed man.