A review by bookphile
Moonlands by Steven Savile


I received a free copy of this e-book on NetGalley in exchange for a review.


This book starts out so well, but kind of slows down towards the middle and then dramatically dives to a fiery death.

This is a mix of fairy-tales, blended together to create a new and unique world. Ashley thinks she's an ordinary girl until she finds out she's really an heir to the Moonlands kingdom--which is currently being ruled a king who doesn't want to give up his power and so he's going to kill his daughter to keep it (the throne belongs to females only). She's been raised in the non-magical London, until one day her aunt dies, who was one of her protectors, and things are set into motion to for Ash to set about achieving her destiny.

I thought that the beginning of the book was very strong and rather intriguing. You have medley of interesting characters. The only problem was that occasionally Savile got a bit wordy with his descriptions. The plot also doesn't start moving until the middle of book, but while it wasn't noticeable then because of all the build up, it shows in the latter part of the book where everything seems a bit rushed. I expected more trouble to cross her path while she's in Moonlands aside from a pack of wolves.

The characters also didn't annoy me until the later part of the book. I don't understand the recent trend of redeeming bad guys and making them love interests. Redemption arcs are amazing, but only when done right and only when the character goes through enough trouble to convince me to forgive them. However, this fucking guy ate her teacher, and she forgives him because he saved her life? Not only that but she immediately develops a crush on him. This is so utterly disturbing. That's the other thing; I don't understand how Blaze -- who seemed always a smart man -- to do a 180. He knew from the start what he was doing, but somehow he didn't see it as problematic until his own life is on the line. But even when his loyalty is switching he decides to go kill and eat someone........And you want me to want this character's redemption? Why does he eat people at all? Yeah, he's werewolf or just a wolf, I'd be cool if he just ate animals, but people? And this is the romantic interest... excuse-me... HE ATE SOMEONE!! To me it seems he should have been a much older man who becomes her protector, especially as one of the most powerful Alpha's around, and maybe he has a hot son who becomes a love interest. Otherwise this is just deep level disturbing on so many levels.

Ashley too, was suddenly devoid of all personality after they went into Moonlands. Going from a somewhat believable teenage girl who is confused and frightened by the sudden changes in her life, to an emotionless void. The problem with that was I think, the rushed second part, the plot kind of falls apart because nothing really happens? They just travel for a couple of days, with the only conflict being the pack, but that passes quickly. Then they're in the city for the supposed face-off with the evil king. I wish there was more evil to him than just the desire to keep the throne... I mean, his kingdom seems peaceful and prosperous otherwise? Or was Jax the bad guy? ... or the sickness?

I don't know, I kind of skimmed the last 20% of the novel. I wish the quality of the book didn't plumpet with the second half, but unfortunately it does. Judging by the first half alone this would have been a 4-star read for me. Which I think is just too bad.