A review by bookstobarbells
The Book Censor's Library by Bothayna Al-Essa


Similar to the themes and ideas of Fahrenheit 451, we follow our Book Censor as he learns the power and pitfalls of books. The language in this book is stunning, which is thrilling knowing that it was translated. As a book lover, you're thrown into metaphors and allusion throughout the novel, making it endearing and almost like a scavenger hunt. The book finds a perfect balance of intensity, having purely lighthearted and comical moments followed by more intense and impactful ones. I also liked that the themes didn't seem to be forced; while it was focused on authoritarianism and censorship, there was enough character work to make the story inviting. I would definitely recommend this to book lovers and deep readers.

Thank you to Edelweiss for the ARC.