A review by charlotte_owl
The Book of Kindly Deaths by Eldritch Black


If I rated the book halfway in, I probably would have given it only 3 stars, as it is, I enjoyed the later half more.

This story starts off with the main protagonist discovering the book. While she deals with issues in her real life, she also reads the stories described inside the book. Some authors can do this well, having stories with the main story. However, I didn't enjoy these mini-stories very much. I was unable to become attached to the characters in these stories (who were often unlikeable). However, when the story focused on the main protagonist, I found it interesting. And the story itself really picked up during the later half, when the focus was purely on the main protagonist.

This story is a dark fantasy focused on a young preteen girl. She discovers a book left behind by her grandfather, which describes supernatural creatures (in a slightly dark, disturbing and creepy way). Alongside the discover of this book, she and her family are haunted by a supernatural creature. In an attempt to save herself and to find her grandfather, the girl enters the dimension mentioned inside the book, and goes on a short quest. The beings and the world inside the book are slightly disturbing and dark. Not ultra-so, naturally, as it is YA. But something almost Burton-esque. If that sounds like something you would enjoy, give it a shot! While I would not highly recommend it, it is enjoyable, especially as you reached a certain point in the story.