A review by ltg584
Queen & Commander by Janine A. Southard


3.5 stars

What a fascinating story! Coming from someone who has spent twenty years reading sci-fi novels, it should really mean something when I say that it was a unique twist on a classic story. The story is pretty standard space travel, but the very nature of the societal roles takes the story to a whole new level.

The whole story pivots around Rhiannon. She is the group’s queen, although she isn’t exactly your standard monarch. She’s more like the queen of a bee hive, and the other members of her hive have a unique connection with her, and with the other hive mates through her. I absolutely adored this approach to a group dynamic, and even after finishing the first book, I feel like I haven’t nailed down all the minute details. The relationships in this book are complex and ever changing. I’m not sure if I have a favorite character among them yet, but the shifting points of view have given me a lot to think about. Each character has a different reason for being in the hive, but motivations are adapting. While loyalty is solid on one page, the next I can feel the doubt. I think a major betrayal is just around the corner…

Trust is definitely one of the big issues in this book. There simply isn’t enough of it to go around! I always love a book where the characters aren’t black or white. Most of this story is told in shades of grey, and I was drawn into the shadows to see how deep they go. There were some seriously brilliant moments, but there were also moments where I was jolted from the story because something wasn’t smooth enough. The pace certainly isn’t breakneck fast, but there is plenty of personality for the story to be largely character driven. Having finished the first book, I’m left with loads of questions, and a healthy dose of speculation. Book 2, Hive & Heist, is calling to me… can’t wait to dig in!

A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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