A review by laurenjodi
Her Husband's Harlot by Grace Callaway


Her Husband's Harlot
4 Stars

From his violent beginning in the slums of St. Giles to life as a wealthy merchant, Nicholas Morgan, now a newly minted marquess, is well aware that his bride, Lady Helena, is far out of his league and vows to keep his distance. Helena, on the other hand, is determined to save her marriage even if it means disguising herself as a doxy and seducing her husband. But what will Nicholas do once he realizes his virtuous wife is nothing of the sort?

Aside from the simply atrocious and misogynistic title, this is an entertaining romance with a touch of mystery.

Nicholas and Helena are an appealing couple and their romance is sweet and sexy. It is fun watching Helena put aside the prim and proper teachings of her youth and embrace her sensuality. She is an admirable heroine who fights for what she wants and stands up to her husband's high-handedness. While Nicholas's fears are understandable given his upbringing, his hot/cold attitude toward Helena gets tiresome after a while. Thankfully, he comes to his senses sooner rather than later and realizes that loving Helena is worth the risk.

The mystery is compelling with a good twist concerning the villain's identity. To be honest, I did not see it coming even though there were clues along the way. Well done!

Overall, this is an entertaining debut and as I have already read the spin-off series, I know that Callaway's writing and plotting only improve with time.